Coronavirus Update
Thursday 19th March 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
Following the announcement last night that schools are set to close to the majority of pupils I am writing to update you with our current plans. Please understand that these are current and may change based on local authority input and further direction from the government. At this moment in time I am awaiting further details from both.
At present the arrangements for next week are that school will be able to provide care for children of key workers and certain vulnerable groups from 7.45am until 4.00pm for those parents or carers who have no other provision available to them. In order to establish the level of need I am asking that all parents in these categories please inform school on Friday morning before 12.00 noon if they will be needing this childcare. Please inform school of your child’s name, class and your job title and place of work which would be very helpful. The provision being offered is for children in households where both parents are classified as key workers. Where one parent is not a key worker children will be required to remain at home. In single parent households if there is no other adult available and the single parent is a key worker we will provide care for the child. All other children will need to stay at home. Do not send your child to school on Monday.
Tel: 01432 850449
At the time of writing this the government list of key workers had not been published but is likely to include NHS workers, teachers, police officers, military personnel. As soon as I am provided with the list I will inform you. I have waited until as late as possible in the day for this to be provided in order to add it to this letter but it has not been forthcoming.
At present we will not be offering hot meals but will be requesting that the children bring a packed lunch with them. They will not need to wear school uniform. Please bear in mind that this reduced provision will be on a much smaller scale and of a different nature to that which is normally provided. The purpose is to provide childcare and not to continue as an educational establishment. School will not be operating under normal routines or structures.
In the government announcement it was made clear that the closures of schools would be “until further notice”. In reality, this could be for some time. The measures explained in this letter are for the short term, dealing with the time period up until the Easter holidays. I am sure that over the course of the next two days I will have more information from the local authority in particular as to how all schools will be moving forward to provide longer term care.
The arrangements as outlined will be put in place to start on Monday 23rd March. Please understand that many teachers also have children that will require care at home. Some form of rota will be implemented, as yet to be decided, to ensure that we are all able to take a share whilst maintaining our own home situations.
For all other pupils not in attendance at school, packs have now been uploaded onto the school website for you to access for your children. There are also details of websites that you can log onto for free.
I thank you in advance for your patience and understanding at this very difficult time. As soon as I have more information I will inform you all. Please take care and stay safe.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Taylor