Level 3: Individual Education Plan Plus (IEP+) and Top Up funding
Level 3: IEP+
Level 3 of the schools graduated approach is where the pupil may require the involvement of a group or team of practitioners/ professionals. They may work in different areas such as health, education or social care. The practitioners may contribute further information and assessment and provide useful advise to support the family and school in meeting your child's needs. This guidance will be used to inform the targets set out in the IEP+.
The IEP+ will include information about
the short-term targets set for the child
the provision to be put in place
Outcomes (to be recorded when IEP+ is reviewed each term, or sooner if needed).
The practitioners/ professionals that have contributed to the plan.
The IEP+ will be reviewed at least termly and parents’ views on their child’s progress will be sought. Wherever possible, the pupil will also take part in the review process and be involved in setting the targets. After a discussion with the SENCo the school may at this level apply for Top up funding to support the pupil further.
What an IEP+ looks like: