Art and Design
At Lugwardine we are very proud of our artwork. You will find examples of our art work all over school on our displays and in our sketchbooks
Art and Design
At Lugwardine Primary Academy we value art as a source of inspiration and a chance to develop children’s creative thinking. It is our intent to create a safe space for our children to explore, experiment and take risks without the fear of getting it wrong. At Lugwardine, it is important for our children to develop themselves as resilient learners: we believe that art can be a source of many transferable skills and can be beneficial to children’s self-esteem.
We take inspiration from the artists we focus on in our classes, learning more about them and their style, which we then apply to our own work. We plan and teach sequenced art lessons based on skills, using a range of media and we then give the children opportunities to apply the skills learned in other areas of the curriculum, making the lessons relevant and meaningful. The skills that the children learn will be focused around drawing, painting, sculpture, print and collage and textiles.
We aim for our children to be proud of their work and we provide the opportunity for our children’s work to be put on display to be seen by all who enter our school. Children will also be provided with opportunities to showcase their work through ‘stay and share’ sessions where work is displayed and through termly class assemblies.
At Lugwardine Primary Academy we teach art through a skills-based curriculum which can be found on the school website. We develop and build upon these skills each year in order to ensure that clear progression can be seen across the school. All the children are exposed to a range of media each year, allowing them the opportunity to explore, develop and imbed their skills throughout the school.
We have thought carefully as a school about ensuring we cover a range of different artists across the year groups and carefully building upon the skills taught in the previous year group. We have ensured that artists are diverse in a number of different ways, spanning gender, ethnicity and artistic style. We believe that this will help children to understand that art is accessible to all and that different styles can be appreciated in different ways. We ensure that we cover drawing, painting, sculpture, printing and collage and textiles across the school through a range of different art activities.
We believe that art is everywhere and to give children the opportunity to create art with many different mediums, both within the classroom and around the school environment. For example, in EYFS the children learn about Andy Goldworthy’s land art and gather resources from our woodland area and around the school environment to use in their own artwork.
Assessment in art to monitor progression is done in a variety of ways. We ensure that the children are aware of the skills they are developing and what the objectives are. The children are also given the chance to look back on previous artwork that they have produced. In EYFS, art projects are kept in folders and on tapestry records for children to reflect upon. In KS1 and KS2, children have sketch books to record their work in and to reflect upon before starting a new piece of work. All the children are also provided with opportunities to evaluate their own and peer work, suggesting what they think went well and how they may change it if they were to do the project again. Teachers may also make verbal suggestions and refer to artist work or previous modelling to support the children. This is all done in a positive light, making it clear to the children that mistakes are ok, as we wish for our children to be able to create art without the worry of mistakes holding them back. We will also make clear that art is not simply ‘’correct’’ or ‘’incorrect’’ but rather open to interpretation.
At the end of each year, the children at Lugwardine Primary Academy will have been exposed to a wide variety of different media, giving them the opportunity to use it in a different way or for a different purpose and develop a range of skills. This will build upon their prior knowledge of what they can do when using this media. As the children move up through the school the children will begin to develop their own preferences of media and styles as they will have been exposed to them frequently throughout their time in school.
Our lessons are accessible for all our pupils, and they are proud of what they have achieved. Our approach of being open and accepting of mistakes will not only help to develop our children’s creativity within art but will extend to other areas of their lives. There are many key life skills that will be developed through our attitude and teaching of art which will support our children as they move on after primary school, such as respecting others and their work, or persevering in the face of challenge. This resilience is a key skill which our children will need throughout their lives.
Golden Threads
Children will build up resilience and responding positively to ideas
Children will share learning and skills with others
Describe different materials and methods to improve
Learn about and produce artwork in the styles of a diverse number of artists.