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Lugwardine Primary Academy

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Level 2: Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Level 2: Individual Education Plans (IEP) 

Level 2 of the graduated approach is where a pupil will receive an Individual Education Plan (IEP) created by the pupils class teacher.  The IEP will include information about  

  • the short-term targets set for the child  

  • the provision to be put in place  

  • Outcomes (to be recorded when IEP is reviewed each term, or sooner if needed).  

The IEP will only record the support, which is additional to, or different from, the adapted curriculum and will focus upon three or four individual targets that match the pupil’s needs and have been discussed with the pupil and the parents. The IEP will be reviewed at least termly and parents’ views on their child’s progress will be sought. Wherever possible, the pupil will also take part in the review process and be involved in setting the targets. 


What an IEP looks like:
