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Lugwardine Primary Academy

Learning and Growing Together

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The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our children and all our staff share this commitment.


If you want to know more about our procedures, or have any concerns, please speak to one of the following:


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Miss Katie Bythell

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL): Ms Angela Taylor Mr Will Lewis and Mrs Rhianna Pullin

Safeguarding Link Governor: Mr David Welton 


The Early Help Assessment is part of Herefordshire’s Early Help Strategy to provide help to families at the earliest point of identification, and to reduce the need for more specialist or statutory service interventions at a later stage.


As a family or young person, there may be times when you need some extra support. If you can, talk to a professional you feel comfortable sharing this information with. They may suggest that all of the information is recorded on an Early Help Assessment form. With your consent, this form can be shared with other professionals and services that can offer additional support to you or your family. The Early Help Assessment form means you will not have to repeat the same story to different workers. An action plan is agreed with you to make sure you get the right sort of help.

The online world is forever changing and in order to keep our children safe, we as adults must ensure that our knowledge and skills are current.


Parents and children may find the following resources helpful

The National College for Parents 


The online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children, and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching children about online dangers. Learning how to act safely when using the internet is an incredibly important part of safeguarding our children.


We are therefore delighted to announce that Lugwardine Primary Academy have shown our commitment to protecting our pupils online by working with National Online Safety- providing resources for all parents and carers. 


The resources include Parents & Carers courses (presented by Myleene Klass), online video resources and weekly guides covering a huge range of topics. 


To create your account, please follow and complete your details. When you’re set up, you’ll be able to set ‘Parent/Carer’ as your user type. 


You can access National Online Safety online via any device- including via our brand-new smartphone app. To download the app, please go to:

Alternatively, search for ‘National Online Safety’ in the App Store/Google Play Store.


Answers to frequently asked questions and customer service can be accessed at


Childline is there to give young people a voice when no one else is listening. Whatever problems or dangers they're facing, it is a place for them to turn to for support – any time of day or night. Childline is a free, private and confidential service where children and you people can talk about anything. 

They can be contacted on 0800 1111, or have a range of information, support and tools online. 



Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.  A really useful website to help you start the conversation with your child,


Childnet International

Childnet parents and carers page – information, advice and resources for parents and carers on a wide range of topics affecting children and young people online. They also have excellent resources about how to have a conversation about the online world with your child, how to set up parental controls, create a family agreement and what to do if you are worried about a child.


NSPCC Net Aware  

Information and guides for parents and carers about the social media platforms, apps and games that young people use. You can also sign up to the Online Safety Newsletter to help you stay up to date with the latest trends, or download the free Net Aware app.


NSPCC Share Aware

A series of 3 animations ‘I saw your willy’, ‘Lucy and the boy’, and ‘Mia’s story’, designed to prompt conversations between adults and children to keep them safe from online abuse. We use these videos in school but they are also ideal to share at home. The section also includes tips on how to start these kinds of conversations.


Common Sense Media

Use the search box at the top to search for a game or app. There will be a Common Sense Media review which includes the information you need to help you make decisions about the suitability of the game for your child. It also has useful parent and child reviews for each game.


Think U Know

The education programme from CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection), a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. The site has information for parents and carers and games for children of different ages to help them to learn about online safety.


Internet Matters

A range of guides, videos and toolkits to help you to keep your child safe online. These include information about key issues that may be affecting children and young people on the internet, and what to do if you’re worried about anything you or your child has seen online.
