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Special Educational Needs at LPA

Mrs Kim Lane is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) at Lugwardine Primary Academy.


This page sets out to explain the support in place to all children at Lugwardine Primary Academy as well as a place parents can use to find lots of useful information about SEND in both in our school and our local area.


Lugwardine Primary Academy is a fully inclusive school. As a school, we strive to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum (regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability and educational needs). At the heart of the vision of Special Educational Needs support at Lugwardine Primary Academy is a Team approach, working in partnership with parents/ careers, the child, staff working directly with your child, The SENCo and when needed outside agencies. This is achieved through our graduated approach. 


If you are concerned about any aspect of your child's development it is important to speak to someone as soon as possible. If you do not feel your child is making the progress that they should, please talk to your child's class teacher. The class teacher should be your first point of contact. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and the Head Teacher are also available by appointment. We are all more than happy to help.


How to contact us:

SEND Email:

SENDCo Email: 



What provision we can provide for children with SEND at LPA

All children receive high quality teaching at our school.  There is a whole school approach to SEND with an inclusive curriculum, personalised learning for children is important.

  • Teachers use a range of strategies to meet children’s special educational needs. Lessons have clear learning objectives; work is differentiated appropriately, and assessment for learning is used to inform the next stage of learning. 
  • Teachers plan work for the individual needs of the children, they monitor and track children’s progress. There are times when we ask the children to work in small groups, or in a one-to-one situation outside the classroom.
  • Some children may need very individualised and specialised programmes.  We work with outside agencies and specialists to help us develop suitable programmes to support these children. 
  • Extra provision for children may include support for English, Maths, Behaviour, Speech & Language, Motor Skills, Social Emotional well-being, developing positive self esteem.
  • The school provides accessibility to the curriculum for all children.  Classrooms are carpeted to enhance the acoustics, all classrooms have an interactive whiteboard so that text /font size can be adjusted, classrooms are fitted with a sound fill system to help children who have hearing difficulties, the use of technology with iPads and laptops are available to enhance learning and visual timetables help to develop individual learning.
  • Every classroom has a qualified Teaching Assistant to support the teaching and learning of children.


How we assess the progress of children with SEND

Children’s progress is tracked and monitored.  Pupil Progress Meetings held between the class teacher, SENDCo and the deputy head teacher help to identify where children are on track or if further adjustments need to be made to help individual children.
Teachers respond to children’s needs by:

  • providing support for children who need help with communication, language literacy, numeracy or developmental issues.
  • planning to develop children’s understanding through the use of all available senses and experiences;
  • planning for children’s full participation in learning, and in physical and practical activities;
  • helping children to manage their behaviour and to take part in learning effectively and safely;
  • helping individuals to manage their emotions, particularly trauma or stress, and to take part in learning.


Expertise and training of staff 

All staff maintain up to date knowledge about a wide range of SEND.  There are opportunities for staff to undertake relevant training to ensure the needs of every child are met.
Continued Professional Development is ongoing and Staff have recently had training on:

  • Attachment training, social stories, positive behaviour, dyspraxia, delivering phonics, positive playtimes, autism training.

The school regularly liaises with the Speech & Language Service, Occupational Therapy Service, Educational Psychology Service, Behaviour Service, Parenting support and Child and Adult Mental Health Service.

The parents role of children with SEND

We actively encourage partnerships with parents as parents and carers have a vital role to play in their child’s learning. The child and the parent’s voice is very important to us.
At all stages of the special needs process, parents are kept fully informed and involved. We take account of the wishes, feelings and knowledge of parents at all stages. We encourage parents to make an active contribution to their child’s education.
We inform the parents of any outside intervention, and we share the process of decision-making by providing clear information relating to the education of children with special educational needs.
Children’s progress and what support they are receiving is discussed with parents at parent evenings with the class teacher.  The School will also communicate with parents via phone calls, text messages, home school books and planned meetings.

The role of the Governing body

The Governor responsible for SEND is Mrs Clare Long
The governing body does its best to secure the necessary provision for any pupil identified as having special educational needs. The governors ensure that all teachers are aware of the importance of providing for these children.
If you would like to leave any feedback or have any questions about our provision, please don't hesitate to contact Mr Will Lewis or the school office.

Please note this page will be continually updated with future links and information.


The Local Offer


All Local Authorities must publish a ‘Local Offer’ as stated in the Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0-25 years (January, 2015).

The aim of this is to:

  • provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it

  • make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEN and their parents, and disabled young people and those with SEN, and service providers in its development and review.


If you would like more information on the Herefordshire Council’s Local Offer please click on the link below:

SEN Support in Mainstream Settings- The Graduated Response

An HW SENDIASS animation explaining the support that should be in place for children and young people with SEN in mainstream settings across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Developed by the Council for Disabled Children, an easy to follow short animation for parents, practitioners and others who want to quickly learn about the education health and care (EHC) planning process. For further information pleas visit

What is an Annual Review of an Education, Health and Social Care (EHC) plan? (updated 2019)

Developed by the Council for Disabled Children, an easy to follow short animation for parents, young people, practitioners and others who want to quickly learn about Annual Review process of an Education, Health and Social Care (EHC) plan. For further information pleas visit
