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Lugwardine Primary Academy

Learning and Growing Together

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Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning School Ethos


At Lugwardine our children are encouraged to take risks, be independent and care for their environment. At Lugwardine, we believe that outdoor learning improves children’s mental health and wellbeing.

We believe that is important to have a go and take risks. Children are encouraged to take part in small achievable tasks and are encouraged to collaborate with each other. We believe outdoor learning is for all children and that their self-esteem and confidence will grow from taking part, children should be allowed to be creative, and have the opportunity to showcase their ideas.


The Countryside Code:

  • Respect everyone – keep to the paths
  • Do not feed wild animals
  • Be kind and share the space
  • Keep to paths and follow the signs
  • Protect the environment – leave no traces of your visit, do not litter, care for nature
  • Only light fires in designated areas
  • Enjoy the outdoors – plan your visit and route
  • Check your route and local conditions
  • Check the weather
  • Check rights and permissions
  • Know countryside symbols

Our Vision Statement

At Lugwardine Primary Academy we develop children as resilient learners who have the knowledge, understanding and skills to be responsible and effective members of their community.​

The curriculum we teach will enable our learners to be confident members of both their local community and the wider world. The children will leave Lugwardine Primary passionate about their beliefs and equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve their full potential.​

Our curriculum is designed to inspire, support and include. We believe that by developing the whole child, pupils will learn to transfer the skills and knowledge across different settings and circumstances. We believe all children benefit from a range of learning opportunities and seek to develop their experiences both inside and outside the classroom.


Our Outdoor Learning School Rules

  • Stay within the blue rope boundaries. If you would like to explore further, ask an adult to go with you.
  • Always stay in sight of an adult.
  • Do not lick anything or put anything in your mouth while in the forest school areas.
  • Respect and protect our forest school area. [Do not take too much from nature. Do not pick more than the trees can take. Check the tree is strong enough for the task. Allows areas to recover and grow. Do not litter.]
  • Ensure you are safe and protecting the people around you. [Ensure you drag long branches and sticks covering the end with your thumb to avoid poking anybody. When carrying small sticks make sure your thumb is over the end and it is pointing towards the ground. Ensure only one person is climbing the tree. Do not climb higher than the adult watching. Ensure there are 4 people carrying the pallet. Asking an adult before you climb a tree.]
  • Plan ahead and be prepared! Be mindful of the season and your impact.
  • Enjoy yourself!